Retail Partner Locations

Like to touch the product before buying? It's a sizable purchase and we realize some customers prefer to see our products in advance of placing an order. Understandable, as sometimes word of mouth, reputation and photos are not enough.

We currently have brick & mortar relationships (with a sample bed in-store) through the following retailers. We're always working on more locations across the USA.


Mr. S Leather [map]

(bed on display only)
385 8th St
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 863-7764


Stockroom [map]
1769 Glendale Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 989-0334

The Pleasure Chest [map]
7733 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90046
(323) 650-1022


Gear Leather [map]
650 E Sunny Dunes Rd #1
Palm Springs, CA 92264
(760) 322-3363

Want to become a retail partner? Contact Us