How do I buy/redeem a gift certificate?
To purchase a gift certificate for someone, click here. If you are the recipient of a gift certificate and would like to redeem your gift certificate, click here.
How do I contact you?
DungeonBeds, a unit of Urban Steel Designs, Inc.
584 Castro Street, # 269
San Francisco, CA 94114
ph. 415.551.BEDS (2337)
Our office hours for questions by phone, are Monday through Friday, 9am-6pm PST. Electronic communications are monitored 7 days a week, Monday through Sunday from 9am-10pm PST.
DungeonBeds was born in 2002 under the basic principal that dungeon furniture should not be hidden in the basement, garage or some other private room in your home. It should be distinctively designed, high quality and crafted to accompany your finest pieces of furniture - prominently displayed in your every-day life.
As an organization, we're committed to improving and innovating our products, while maintaining the highest quality and ethical practices for our customers. We maintain that level of integrity in everything we do. We're very proud of that distinction.
How do I find my product?
To find the product(s) you're looking for, you may (1) use the navigation menus on the top, left & bottom of our website. (2) type a keyword into the SEARCH box. If you have any trouble locating a product, feel free to contact customer service for assistance.
How do I navigate the site?
To navigate this website, simply click on a category you might be interested in. Categories are located on the top, left & bottom of our website. QUICK TIP: Place your mouse cursor over anything you think could be a clickable link. You'll notice that anytime you scroll over something that is a link, your mouse cursor will become a "hand". Whereas scrolling over anything that is NOT a link will leave your cursor as an "arrow". You may also type a keyword into the SEARCH box to quickly find a specific product. If you have any trouble locating a product, feel free to contact customer service for assistance.
How do I use a coupon?
After adding items to your cart, click the "View Cart" link at the top of this site to view your cart. At the bottom of the shopping cart you'll see a box where you may enter your coupon code.